Straw Propeller Oatmeal


It is finally getting cold in Houston. Winter is coming! Haha sorry I couldn’t resist the Game of Thrones reference. Yesterday morning it is cold in the kitchen and I think to myself, oatmeal would be really good right now, too bad I can’t get it. THINK AGAIN!

Thanks to the wonderful gluten-free people of Straw Propeller I can eat oatmeal again for the first time since I was a child! Hot damn it is good. I got the slightly sweetened with maple syrup, it was amazing. They also have a wide variety of different gluten-free oatmeal flavors. You can keep it in the container and take it to go, because let’s be honest, sometimes I push that snooze button on my alarm one to many times.

I am finally feeling normal again after my poisoning from Trail Mix. This product from Straw Propeller was a wonderful return back to living a “normal” gluten-free, healthy life again.

Thank you Straw Propeller for making wonderful oatmeal accessible to those that can’t eat normal oatmeal. Gluten-free is the life for me, so be sure to try this oatmeal!
